Managing Diabetes using Positive Thought Affirmations

Diabetes, the eighth largest cause of death in the world is reaching epidemic proportions due to sedentary lifestyles, obesity, and poor nutrition.  While diabetes remains incurable, through diligence, determination and effort, it can be managed.  With a modification of lifestyle, one can lead a normal life and detour the effects and complications of the disease that so often ruin the quality of life.

As with any type of lifestyle change, lasting results can only be achieved when an individual believes that they are capable of achieving that change, is enthusiastic about setting goals, willing to make the necessary modifications, and are expectant of positive results.  The acceptance of diabetes is the first step in controlling it.  Learning to embrace the disease through the use of positive affirmations can set one on the path to make the modifications needed for optimal health.

How Positive Affirmations Work

Positive affirmations program the mind by replacing negative, dysfunctional thoughts with positive, more productive and optimistic thoughts.  When the mind perceives circumstances and changes as helpful and constructive, the rate of success to manage the diabetes is high.  Repeating positive statements about accepting the diabetes, remaining upbeat, positive and enjoying the changes in eating habits and exercise routines can greatly affect the speed at which tight management can be achieved.

The Most Effective Use of Affirmations

The most rapid and effective approach to convincing the mind to embrace the disease and welcome the necessary changes is to repeat these affirmations during sleep when the mind is in a more relaxed state and more receptive to the statements.  The use of a machine specifically designed for this technique is all that is required.  This type of device, like the AWAKE2000, works by allowing an individual to record their own positive statements in their own voice and play them back numerous times during the night.  Research has shown that the brain cycles during sleep and these machines are programmed to release the affirmations at the perfect time during those cycles.  This process produces the right climate for the positive seeds of thought to take root and grow.

Good Examples of Affirmations for Diabetes

To achieve success in managing diabetes, one should create affirmations that are simple yet effective.  An affirmation should be stated in the present tense and in a manner that tells the mind that the act has already been achieved.  A few examples are:  “I accept my diabetes and I am managing it well every day.”, “I love green vegetables and I enjoy eating them every day.”, “I am full of energy and good health as I exercise everyday.”   Staying focused on optimistic words will produce effective results.  One should refrain from taking an approach like: “I love sugar but I am going to stop eating anything with sugar in it.”  This statement brings attention to the one thing that needs to be avoided and automatically suggests to the mind that sugar is good.  Following these suggestions will no doubt prove to be beneficial for the health of the body, managing diabetes and improving one’s attitude towards their illness.


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